Ugly divorces are a reality. It drains people of their energies, makes them feel hopeless and even terrified. And if you are divorcing from an abusive spouse, chances are you might be under a cocktail of emotions – anger, sadness, frustration, fear, confusion, and so on.
One of the mistakes that people do, especially women, is that they believe what their partners are saying. You are divorcing them, so why listen to them? According to divorce lawyers in Maryland, many times women come to them terrified because their husbands told them how ugly things will become for them if they divorce.
Golden advice from a divorce lawyer:
Never take legal advice from the partner whom you are divorcing.
Why would they give you good advice? If they were so good, you wouldn’t be divorcing them in the first place. An abusive partner normally is interested in only making the divorcing partner feel guilty, shamed, and small.
So, please hire a good divorce lawyer and listen to him/her only.
“The battlefield “
Yes, many times, divorce turns into a battlefield. What’s the secret of winning a battle? It’s not physical force or strength, nor is it about money power. It’s about being calm and collected and strategizing your case smartly.
And please do not become sentimental when you see your ex in the courtroom. You have decided to divorce. Stick to your decision. Many abusive partners carry this uncanny charm and know how to lure their partner back, using her vulnerabilities.
And, says a lawyer, because an abusive partner so nicely destroys the self esteem of their spouse that it is easier for them to make the lady feel guilty of divorcing and petrified of starting life alone.
How to behave in the courtroom
In cases of ugly divorces, you must prepare yourselves mentally. Your partner and his lawyer are bound to show you in bad light in the courtroom. They may even embarrass and infuriate you. Do not let this affect you.
Stay polite, calm, and courteous during cross-examination. Your best deportment in the court can strengthen your case. It’s true, ladies, no matter how disgustingly your partner portrays you in front of the judge, you must stay put and maintain a dignified aura, advices one of the best divorce lawyers in Maryland.
The moment you lose your cool or let your emotions rule you, your partner wins.
Outsmarting the “smart” abuser
One of the reasons most abusive spouses win over innocent and good women is their sheer capability of lying without batting an eyelid, reveals a divorce lawyer.
Expect them to show their utmost charm and say the best lies they have ever said. This holds particularly true during the battle of child custody in Maryland. They will want to “snatch away” your child from you. It’s a kind of revenge for them.
This is the time to trust your lawyer. He/she will represent you strongly in the court of law and fight for your rights. But, ladies, you need to put up a strong front, only then can your lawyer help you full throttle.