When you are contemplating divorce you experience stress and anxiety.
You never know how things will turn out.
It is the unfamiliar consequences that can cause emotional unrest. You certainly would like to take help from a family and divorce lawyer in Largo.
Do I need to hire multiple attorneys to handle my case?
In the United States, it is considered unethical for an attorney to restrict their clients from acquiring legal representation from another law firm.
You can have as many lawyers as you like. However the only constraint is the courts allows you to have only one primary lawyer for a specific case.
For different cases you can have different attorneys representing you.
In case you are not aware, it is not uncommon for a client to hire multiple law firms to handle the same case.
Such a scenario is, in fact, permitted.
If you have multiple dissimilar cases, hiring two or more attorney firms is not only allowed, but may be the most sensible thing to do.
The reason to go for this strategy is straightforward.
As one family law attorney in Maryland pointed out, “Lawyers usually are not generalists.
They do not handle any case that comes their way. To be precise, most lawyers are specialists”.
It is simple common sense.
You would not go to a dermatologist to diagnose your heart problems. For that you would go to a cardiologist.

Likewise, you would not hire a family and divorce lawyer in Largo to represent you in a bankruptcy matter. The area of family & divorce and bankruptcy are distinct and specialized.
Most highly skilled law firms have been working through their entire careers in just one or two specialties.
That said there are instances when two cases are very closely related.
There could be a very minor criminal matter in connection with a civil case. In such instances, one attorney can be adequate as it would be not worth the money to hire another lawyer for a relatively simple task.
One of the top divorce lawyers in Maryland has this to say in such matters. “Hiring more than one legal firm means more cost. And there are always chances of duplicate work”.
A decision in this regard must always be taken by the client.
For example: in a business environment, you may concurrently have a case concerning conversion of tangible property and also you may be handling employment disputes.
In such an instance, two different law firms for each case make sense.
Business disputes can materialize into different forms and there are lawyers who specialize in each one.
Hiring the right attorney for business litigation can make all the difference between winning and losing a case.
One of the greatest mistakes you can do is to try to hire a cheap lawyer for multiple cases because it will save money for your business.
Nothing can be more disastrous than such a move.
In the long haul, nothing will be pricier than hiring cheap lawyers, and nothing more distressing than hiring the wrong ones.