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How and Where You Can Find the Child Custody Forms You Need


When you are getting a divorce and have been in a marriage with kids, you would need to get hold of child custody forms. Without these, filing for custody of the kids is not possible. But, if you are planning to do this on your own, you may find it a challenge to determine how to get the form, where to get it from, and who you need to speak with regarding the matter.

The procedure for filing will differ from one state to another. While it may be possible to file the paperwork independently, it would be much easier to seek professional help in the matter.

How to get child custody in Maryland

If you are residing in Maryland and planning to file for child custody, you should contact child support lawyers in Maryland. When you have decided to do it by yourself, you need to follow these steps:

  • To begin with, you must understand the procedures and rules in your specific state court. You can meet the court clerk because he is the best person to assist you in this endeavor. He can explain the process to you; so, when you strike up a good rapport with him, he can be your most trusted resource in winning this custody battle.

  • You need to be prepared to devote a lot of time to the courthouse because there are many forms to be filled out. You may browse the state court site beforehand to get the relevant child custody forms. There are courts that offer a hotline for those keen to ask questions.

  • Once documents are done you need to get them to the courthouse. You should carry money with you for the filing fees; the clerk will typically apprise you of the amount. You will then be provided with an index number or case ID and you can refer to this for updates on the case.

In Maryland, the courts will offer the forms for divorce, custody rights, etc. for free and you can even download these when you go to the “Family Law Forms” section in the official court website. The court will typically offer four distinct sets of forms which are related to child custody matters. Apart from the petition for divorce or custody rights, you may also need to fill up some other forms. For instance, you will need to fill up the Financial Statement, and for this you can take the clerk’s help.

You will need a Domestic Case Information Report which has to be filed for modifying or establishing custody. When you want sole physical custody, you have to complete Child Support Guideline Worksheet A. For shared custody, you must fill out Child Support Guideline Worksheet B. You will also need an Affidavit of Service and a form requesting for hearing in case you file for sole custody.



    1801 McCormick Drive Suite 150 Largo Maryland, 20774

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